The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, announced this Monday night that María Isabel Urrutia ceases to be the Minister of Sports. She in her replacement named Astrid Rodríguez. (You may be interested: Petro removed María Isabel Urrutia from the Sports Department; Astrid Rodríguez arrives)

Who is Rodriguez?

Astrid Rodríguez was born in Bogota. She has a degree in Physical Education from the National Pedagogical University, Master of Education and PhD from the Externado University in Social Studies.

He worked in the formulation of public policy on training in physical education and recreation in partnership with the Ministry of Education in the years 2010 and 2019.

She was a teacher at the Ministry of Education in the District of Bogotá, she has been a professor at the National Pedagogical University for 14 years and her career has been focused mainly on research in physical and sports education and has multiple scientific publications in this field.

However, Rodríguez does not enjoy recognition in the sports field.

«I am grateful for the services rendered by ministers Alejandro Gaviria, María Isabel Urrutia and Patricia Ariza. With their contributions they have contributed to enriching the debate and initiating the changes for which the country voted. I invite them, from where they are, to join us help build this social pact,» Petro said when announcing the changes in his cabinet.

“He decided to appoint Aurora Vergara as Minister of Education and Astrid Rodríguez as Minister of Sports, so that, with new energy, they can complete the reform process that has begun. We will continue seeking consensus and agreements to consolidate and deepen our reforms”, added the President.

Urrutia, the first Colombian to win an Olympic gold medal, in weightlifting, in Sydney 2000, assumed the ministry four days after the possession of Petro.

Before being a minister, she was a congressman for two periods (2002-2006 and 2006-2010) and then she was a coach at the IDRD and director of the IV National Sports Games of the Sea and Beach.


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