Image: Foster Movies – Toei Animation

Netflix will carry the new anime series based on the akuma-kun globally from fall 2023.

The new series is based on the manga which debuted in the mid-1960s and was previously adapted into a live-action series in the 1960s and an anime series by Toei Animation in the late 1980s and ran for 42 episodes.

News of Akuma-kun’s arrival on Netflix came via (and confirmed by anime news network), which confirmed that Netflix has exclusive global distribution as of fall 2023.

According to Matan (translated into English), this is what you can expect from the new series:

The new anime is set in the world 30 years after the 1989 version of the television anime, in which Ichiro Ureki, a boy genius who was raised by the devil, and his partner Mephisto III face the mysterious incident caused by the devil. ”

Yuko Mita and toshio furukawa return from original anime series to voice new series and director junichi sato he also returns from the previous series.

fumitoshi oizaki he is serving as director of the new series. Previous work includes place to place, deaimonand the life of a centaur. Hiroshi Onogi he serves as the lead writer on the project. Ōnogi is best known for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and shangri la.

This anime series is reportedly one of four big projects planned this year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Shigeru Mizuki’s (the manga’s creator) birth, with other projects including an anime film set to be released in theaters as well. Japanese in the fall.

Akuma-kun se poster netflix 2023

Akuma-kun se Poster

At the time of publication, Netflix anime social media for the West he had yet to confirm or promote the news.

This is one of the many anime series and movies that Netflix has picked up or will be streaming over the next year, as we have cataloged here. It is also scheduled to release in the fall of 2023 (October 26, according to sources) is the highly anticipated PLUTO series.

are you looking forward akuma-kun are you coming to netflix Let us know in the comments below.