The analysis of Probogotá Region and the Private Competitiveness Council (CPC) to National Development Plan (PND) It also made it clear that the articles open the possibility for the national government to issue administrative acts that eventually determine the rates for public services without having an objective technical analysis.

For organizations, it is important that the Government places the user (citizen) at the center of the regulatory function of public services, who will only have the best quality of service at the lowest cost in an environment that guarantees competition.

(Also read: Development Plan: the alarm for last-minute articles)

Regarding the cadastre policy, ensure that included items will not fix structural problems such as the strengthening of the cadastral capacities of the municipalities or the development of new technologies and financing mechanisms that could help mayors to improve and speed up their updating processes.

«Instead of encouraging healthy competition between cadastral operators that allow improving the quality and prices of the service, the articles focuses on a reconcentration of tasks for the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute«, they say.

In addition, they state that it does not establish how the principles of quality, fidelity, integrity and interoperability of cadastral information will be guaranteed under categories such as «interculturality».

On the other hand, they assure that the postulates of the PND also ignore the provisions of the Constitutional Court in terms of territorial ordering. In the first place, articles 361 and 372 ignore article 320 and the laws of municipal categorization, since it integrates the targeting of public policies according to the prevalence of «differential» recognition that the National Planning Department (DNP) defines.

These strategies, instead of strengthening the territorial entities, can leave to the discretion of the DNP the approach of public policies and the strategic budgets for local authorities.

likewise powers could be subtracting from the Regional Autonomous Corporations and the levels of prevalence in the determinants of the territorial ordering of the municipalities that would affect the autonomy of the local authorities in the planning of their territory would be reduced.

(Read also: Possible changes in the text of the PND stir up the ghost of express expropriation)

On this aspect, considering that This type of regulatory adjustment should be typical of a democratic debate within the framework of special laws for the subject.

Additionally, on article 345 of the bill that proposes the creation of Agri-food Peasant Territories and Agri-food Aquatic Ecosystems, they invite to analyze the impacts of creating additional territorial figures to those contemplated in the Constitution and Law 160 of 1994, since This deserves a broad discussion. and sufficient with the territorial entities within the framework of their autonomy.

Similarly, Probogotá and the CPC are struck by concepts such as «food sovereignty» other than food safety, due to the risk that it could generate in terms of control by local authorities regarding the productive orientation of the soil and the use of seeds that may not have the effective quality and health requirements, putting national food self-sufficiency at risk.