One of the reforms in which the government of gustavo petro it’s work. Among the first changes projected by the proposal are employee schedules.

(You may be interested in: Labor Reform: Mintrabajo talks about the key points of the project)

In fact, it has already been anticipated that it is sought that the night shift began at 6 in the afternoon and not at 9 at night, as is the case today. It is also being considered that Saturday counts as overtime.

And there are even pilots in some companies in Colombia that implement working hours of four days a week, as occurs in other countries.

Labor Minister, Gloria Ramírez.


labor ministry

Regarding the hours of work that the project seeks for Colombians to work during the week, The Minister of Labor, Gloria Inés Ramírez, told Semana magazine that the proposal goes hand in hand with what is currently being processed.

(Read: What changes would the labor reform project bring? These are some)

«Law 2101 of 2021 probably the progressive reduction of the weekly work day from 48 to 42 hours,» Ramírez mentioned.

Precisely, since the middle of this year, this reduction will begin to be seen, at least in an hour, when this decrease goes from 48 to 47 hours a week.

Article 161 of the Substantive Labor Code indicates that the change in the intensity of work hours in the country begins to apply as of July 2023.

Later, it is sought that from July 2026 workers in Colombia only work 42 hours a week.

(In context: Working hours: from this year fewer hours will be worked in Colombia)

Thus, what Gustavo Petro’s labor reform proposes goes hand in hand with what is already being done in the country.

Ramírez added that «the limit of eight hours a day was eliminated, a situation that has generated concern in international organizations, such as the ILO, which have asked the Government to correct this situation.»

The minister stated that the reform is designed to respect the limits of the maximum daily working hours and respond to international standards.