The International Gymnastics Federation has a code of points that stipulates the rules that those who practice this sport must follow in order to have a good competition.

For that reason, if you are passionate about this sport or just curious about how the winners of each competition are chosen, you are reading the right article.

According to the official website of the Basque Gymnastics Federation, This sport is divided into six disciplines: acrobatic, aerobic, artistic, rhythmic, trampoline and aesthetic.

Each of these has a characteristic that makes it special; For example, in acrobatic gymnastics both men and women can participate and perform extreme activities; in aerobics, athletes have to stretch with great strength and flexibility; in artistic and rhythmic they can be used with various devices; trampoline gymnastics depends on the jumps made by athletes; in aesthetics you can do choreographies.

(Keep reading: Gymnastics for beginners: key exercises to start with this sport).

scoring in gymnastics

According to the International Gymnastics Federation, in this sport each team, regardless of the discipline they practice, It is classified by letters that go in alphabetical order, with A having the lowest score and G the highest.

According to the code of this federation, this is the score that the judges must apply when selecting the winning team: A equals 10, B equals 20, C equals 30, D equals 40, E equals 50, F equals 60, and G equals 70.

Choose your gym mat properly.

To determine who the winners are, each judge must take into account two aspects: the first is that the teams have had a good technical performance and the second is that the athletes will wear their suit with elegance and sophistication, according to what the portal has. gymnastics open in collaboration with the National Commission for Culture and Sport.

However, there are disciplines that handle their scoring system differently, since in the case of rhythmic judges take into account the artistic value of each team and individual performance of each member to give a result to the whole group.

According to the newspaper The world, the judges must add the scores of these two items viz and then divide them by each other. besides, In the event that the team has made small errors, between 0.5 and 0.30 points will be deducted from the team.

(Read: Acrobatic gymnastics: a discipline that defies gravity).

Artistic gymnastics is one of the disciplines of this sport.

On the other hand, in artistic gymnastics, judges must take into account the artistic performance of the team, the degree of difficulty and compliance with all the rules stipulated in the code of the International Gymnastics Federation, then add these figures together and determine the winner.

Trampoline gymnastics is divided into four parts: Single Trampoline, Synchronized Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini‐Trampolineof which eight athletes must remain in the final competition.

(Also: Gymnastics in the Olympic Games: from ancient Greece to the present).

For the final competition, the three members of each team must present themselves individually and the eight creative jumps that each group has done are also taken into account, as explained by the International Gymnastics Code.

tiebreaker rule

In this sport, if there is a tie, the judges must redo the qualification and select the team with the highest score in execution, artistic and discipline, as indicated by the International Gymnastics Federation.

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